Annual General Meeting of the WCHSA


Guest Speaker

Kobus Serfontein

Speaker: Kobus Serfontien is associated with the Business School of the University of Stellenbosch. He will answer many pertinent questions:

Text Box:  Which trends are going to have an impact on our children in the future?


Text Box:  How should we prepare our children to develop their full potential?


 Why are certain people more successful than others are?

Text Box:  Why are certain people more successful than others are?

Can our thinking processes change our lives?


Text Box: Can our thinking processes change our lives?

 Are our children developing Emotional Intelligence?

Text Box:  Are our children developing Emotional Intelligence?

 How do Technology and Information impact our lives?


Text Box:  How do Technology and Information impact our lives? 




 This is something you wouldn�t want to miss!

                                        When? 9 March 2002.

                              Time? 1.30PM - 4.30 PM

        Where? Rosebank Primary School

   Moolenberg Rd


                                       Cost?  Members free,

                                                  Non-members R40



13h30 to 14h00: registration, vendors� exhibits open

14h00 to 14h45: AGM and election of committee for 2002

14h45 to 15h15: Tea

15h45 to 16h30: Kobus


YOUR WCHSA Committee

 Yes � the committee is there to serve YOU and is elected by YOU � if homeschooling is something YOU believe in, and would like to continue to grow from strength to strength � then YOU need to make YOUR contribution!!  Come to the AGM to learn about YOUR association and vote for a committee that will meet YOUR needs.  Did the committee do a good job in 2001 ??  Then come to the AGM to show your support.  Not a good job � then come to the AGM to elect a better committee !!!!!

 The December newsletter gave some insights into a typical committee meeting � the positions that we need on the committee are as follows:

Chairman � responsible to the members for the overall operation of the

                   committee and its functions;

                - acts as a spokesman for the WCHSA when necessary.

                - responsible for maintaining contact with the education

                  department officials.

 Secretary � calls and co-ordinates committee meetings. 

                 - handles correspondence

 Treasurer � responsible for financial affairs of the WCHSA

 Membership co-ordinator - build information database of members

 Network co-ordinator  - put members in contact with one another,

                                      - assist in forming new networks, 

                                      - provide committee members with resource

                                        list & people resource list.  (Note: the

                                        Christian Homeschool Network has an invited

                                        ex-officio member on the committee �

                                        currently Juliette Murfin).


Assistant for new Homeschoolers � handles phone calls, posting & emailing


                                                       - maintains general information package.

                                                         (Note, needs to be friendly,

                                                          knowledgeable and neutral with

                                                          regard to curriculum choice.)


Function organiser � takes responsibility for organising functions (Note:

                                 will by necessity delegate the work).

 Newsletter editor / co-ordinator � compiles newsletter, sources material

                                                          and  advertisements.

 Text Box: Secretary
PO Box 175
7947 or
E-mail :                          Web site : HTTP://
 The 2001 committee hereby calls for nominations for the committee � who would YOU like to serve YOU???  Nominate your candidate, and secure their agreement to accept nomination before the AGM.  Send your nominations to: