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Schooling Association Wes-Kaapse Tuisonderwys
![]() An
organisation to promote Home Schooling in the Western Cape |
1999 Archive
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E-mail Graham
Shortridge Tel : 021-557-2612 |
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November 1999
The government at last published policy on home schooling:
The policy has serious implications for home schoolers.
Please let us have your comments on it.
For more up to date legal information visit the Pestalozzi site at: http://www.pestalozzi.org
Several events have been organised to explain the implications of the new policy.
Visit the home schooling events site at http://www.grobler.co.za/hs/events.htm
for more information.
August 1999
Report on the meeting between the National Coalition of Home schoolers and the government
Representatives of the National Coalition of Home Schoolers made submissions to a meeting of the national and provincial departments of education on the draft policy for the registration of home learners.
Home schoolers expressed serious concern about the extent of over regulation contained in the draft policy. The numerous unjustified restrictions on home learners and their families may well make this the most oppressive home education policy in any country where home education is legally practised.
The many restrictions fail to take into account any of the extensive research on home education that was made available to the authorities. The policy will, for example, impose at least four separate assessment systems on home learners. Hardly any decision on the education of home learners, including the resources to be used, the time of day and the daily duration of home education, is free from possible veto by education authorities.
Dr Vuyo Mpumlwana, of the Coalition, summed up the results of the meeting: "Pharaoh was abroad today. The more we argued and appealed to them to let our children go, the less would they relent".
Home school leaders expect that the policy will lead to widespread underground home
schooling. "The Education Department adopted a position that was completely
inflexible", said Leendert van Oostrum, Chairman of the Pestalozzi Trust legal
defence fund for home education
Van Oostrum appealed to Christians to intercede in prayer for the home
schooling families who will soon have to test the new policy in courts across the country,
and for wisdom and guidance for home school leaders who must devise strategies to protect
the rights of home schooling families.
June 1999
Mnr. Kader Asmal, die nuwe nasionale Minister van Onderwys, gaan eers 'n maand ``dink'' voordat hy enige besluite oor die onderwys neem.
Hy het op sy eerste nuuskonferensie ná sy aanwysing as
minister gesê in dié maand wil hy samesprekings voer met verskeie amptenare van
die Departement van Onderwys, politieke partye en ouerverenigings wat deur die
vorige minister, dr. Sibusiso Bengu, gestig is. Asmal het dit beskryf as `` 'n
mobilisering ter ondersteuning van die onderwys''.
- Die Burger Saterdag 19 Junie 1999
Me. Helen Zille is die nuwe Minister van Onderwys in die Wes-Kaap. Sy is 'n nuweling in die kabinet en is 'n opvoedkundige en direkteur van kommunikasie aan die Universiteit van Kaapstad.
The association's Information Meeting held on June 6th was very well attended by about 100 parents and 7 exhibitors. Rob Zims from Frontline addressed the audience on the topic of Home Schooling in Africa. It was a very informative talk. Mr. Axel van der Greiendt from ACE (School of Tomorrow) addressed the audience on the "Road to Matric".
Home Schoolers at the WCHSA Meeting on 6 June 1999.
For more pictures click on the photo
May 1999
The association started with an e-letter.
The National Education department discussed regulations with the National Coalition of home schoolers and the Pestalozzi Trust.
Mr. Jan Hurter from the Western Cape Education Department, WCED, informed the association that the draft regulations was approved by the Minister of Education on condition that it is first discussed during a workshop with the all the relevant parties. The National Department's initiative caused the WCED to decide to wait on the outcome of the National talks. For more information on the National talks visit: HTTP://www.grobler.co.za/wchsa/elet01.htm
February 1998
Mr. Louis Green from the ACDP addressed the meeting. He encouraged
the home schoolers to continue educating their children and work with the government to
create a legal environment acceptable to home schoolers. The executive
committee for 1999 was elected:
Shortridge (Chairman)
Warwick Butcher
Johan Toua
Llewellyn Dalton
Schluter 021-755 388
Wynand Louw
Minor changes to the constitution were accepted by a two third
The membership fee is still R120-00 per family per year. Please renew
your membership now as it will expire on June 30th.
Please note or new contact details.
The association, with the support of the Pestalozzi Trust, is addressing the matter of the Regulations for Education of learners at home.
December 1998
The national Department of Education plans to meet again with the
Home School representatives during January 1999 in Pretoria on the Guidelines for the
registration of learners for Home Education.
The Western Cape regulations are still at the education department's legal advisors. Mr. Jan Hurter, Chief Director Western Cape Education Department, could not give a date when the regulations will be finalised.
Friday 8 August 1998
The national Department of Education met with representatives of the
National Coalition of Home Schoolers in Pretoria to discuss Guidelines for the registration of learners
for Home Education. The guidelines were requested by the provincial
departments in June 1997 to assist them in implementing the South African Schools
act. Draft guidelines was faxed to the Home School leaders on Wednesday and we were
requested to attend the meeting on Friday. Leendert van Oostrum compiled the home schooler's response after
receiving inputs from the various associations. A fundamentel problem with the
guidelines is that the parents are required to provide proof that home education is in the
interest of the child before registration by the department. The meeting is a
step forward. The guidelines are a step in the right direction but there are still a
number of fundamental differences between the national Department and the
Coalition.. The meeting was attended by Advocate E Boshoff and Dr M Lane
from the department and Mr Leendert van Oostrum (President Coalition and Chairman
Pestalozzi Trust), Mr. H Slabbert (Chairman Association for Home Schooling and Mr. Johan
Grobler (Chairman Western Cape Home Schooling Association)
Saturday 11 July 1998
The association for Home Schooling presented a home school conference in Roodepoort.
It was attended by approximately 400 people. There were representatives from the
Gauteng and Free State education departments. The Pestalozzi Trust was
launched to defend home school rights in South Africa.
Saturday 6 June 1998
The WCHSA general meeting at Marsh Memorial Homes was a great
success. Dr Chris Wharton, Chairman of John Wycliffe Christian School, gave a
most inspiring talk.
Tuesday 19 May 1998
The WCHSA met with Mr Jan Hurter (Chief Director Western Cape Education Department) and Mr Willie Carelse on Tuesday 19 May at
13h00. The legal opinion was presented with explanation to the
department. Prof. Visser made it clear, in the legal opinion, that
it would not be wise of the Department to proceed with the current regulations. We
did not succeed in agreeing on a process to negotiate regulations. Our inputs will
be evaluated and changes may be made to the draft regulations. A time scale could
not be given by Mr Hurter but he indicated that it was too early to address September's
meeting of the WCHSA on the regulations's as the regulations are not likely to be
finalized by that time.
Thursday 14 May 1998
The association is preparing to meet with the Education department
on Tuesday 19 May at 13h00! The request to meet came as result to numerous
telephone calls, letters and submission to the Department and the Minister. Minister
Koornhof's office asked the Department to meet with the association. The
association will table a legal opinion by Prof. PJ Visser - "Sentrum vir Onderwysreg en Onderwysbeleid (UP,
Unisa, RAU, PU vir CHO, Oklahoma) . Contributions to cover the cost can be deposited
into our bank account: Nedbank, Account name: Western Cape Home Schooling
Association, Account number 1345-005-377 Hermanus Branch number 13-45-12-02. Bid asseblief vir die vergadering en die afgevaardigdes.
To go back into the history browse our archive at http://www.grobler.co.za/wchsa/wchsarch.htm
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We would like to get an indication of the level of interest and
support from home-schoolers in general, with regard to starting our own sporting
body/association. As the lack of sport has always been one of the disadvantages of home
schooling our children, we are turning this around by getting the new year off on a
different foot.
Cricket will be beginning in the first term at the Constantia Sports Complex and we are hoping to have enough interest to start a Somerset West cricket team or teams as well. Hockey will be starting at the beginning of the second term.
Other sports (e.g. tennis, soccer, netball, etc.) will also be
made available as soon as we get numbers from interested parties. Please contact: Wendy
Schluter ASAP on the following numbers:
Tel: 021-755
388 Cell: 083 228
3014 Fax: 021-683 9223
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Program for 2000
Please diarise the following dates.
Date | Activity |
Saturday 26 Feburary 2000 | Annual General Meeting |
If you feel that an information meeting in your area is required please contact the
Kontak gerus die vereniging indien u in u omgewing 'n behoefte aan
'n inligting vergadering het.
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discussion list on home education Now!
Keep up to date with developments at this critical time. The [tuisonderwys] list can be your online support group. Send e-mail to: tuisonderwys-request@list.to type the word "subscribe" in the body of the message (leave
the subject field empty). |
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Click to contact us with e-mail to WCHSA
Or telephone number: (021) 556-3731
Our postal address is P O Box 11190, Bloubergrand, 7443
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