The CHN barndance – great fun for all !!
Teenagers showed adults
how to do it.
Families filling
the floor to capacity as the caller explains the steps. Spot the patient horse
made by the Liebowitz family.
Eager children await the prizes that were kindly donated by various places including Edgars, Spur, CNA and the WCHSA. Many thanks to all.
Parents were given a chance on their own and sure got it right.
The Christian Home Educators Network (CHN)
Who are we?
The CHN was born out of a need my daughters had to meet other home educated children.
When I made the decision to home school my children, I really believed it was what God wanted for our family. My children felt like freaks although they enjoyed home schooling. I explained to them how privileged and special they were, but they interpreted it as being part of a rare and unique breed of scholar soon to be extinct! They felt isolated and wanted to build relationships and make friends with others in this upstream education process. I cried out to God for them, as well as for my own needs and fears, in this sea of seemingly uncharted waters.
My prayers were soon answered. I began to organise a few outings and encouraged other home schooling moms and children to come along. The children responded so well, and with every outing more and more would arrive. The enthusiastic parents each took turns to organise events with their own children’s interests at heart. We enjoyed music technology, an air show, an educational train ride to Simonstown, the Baxter theatre and picnics in the park. These pioneering moms really extended themselves for their children’s sake, and blessed so many others as well. God’s grace and blessing was evident as the group grew and grew. Eventually, with so many home schooling families involved, 8 smaller groups were born, with area leaders tentatively and prayerfully wanting to fulfil the needs of their particular group.
Of course they blossomed, as pollination took place, responsibilities were shared and God blessed them. Some went on interesting outings, organized camps, went on peaceful walks, or spent time, sharing and praying for one another. The needs of both the parent and the child were catered for, and I am sure the Lord smiled upon us all!
The area leaders are all voluntary moms who are home educating their children and are juggling precious time to meet their families’ needs and many others. The monthly meetings are special times for you to spend together and share ideas and glean tips from various perspectives, so please use these opportunities to do this. Please respect your area leader’s priority to her family and enjoy the time they’ve set aside for you.
I have been so blessed in meeting many wonderful moms who have a similar vision and focus for our families. My children and I have made many close friends whom we will treasure forever. If you would like to become part of the CHN, please phone me before 8.30am or after 8.30pm when I will be most happy to assist you.
Yours sister in Christ and Home-Education
Juliette Murfin
021 6853000